The 1976 Home Rule Charter provides for Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANC).
ANC 3G is one of thirty-seven (37) Advisory Neighborhood Commissions in Washington, DC. The Chevy Chase ANC is comprised of seven (7) single member districts (SMD). Each single member district has approximately 2,000 constituents and is represented by a Commissioner.
Commissioners are elected officials who serve without compensation for two-year terms. Elections are nonpartisan and take place in November of even-numbered years.
Advisory Neighborhood Commissions are advisory boards made up of neighborhood residents who consider a wide range of policies and programs affecting their neighborhoods, including traffic, parking, recreation, street improvements, liquor licenses, zoning, economic development, police protection, sanitation and trash collection, and the District’s annual budget.
The ANCs present their positions and recommendations on issues to various District government agencies, the Executive Branch, and the Council. They also present testimony to independent agencies, boards, and commissions, usually under the rules of procedure specific to those entities. By law, the ANCs may also present their positions to Federal agencies.
Although they are not required to follow the ANCs’ advice, District agencies are required to give the ANCs’ recommendations “great weight.” Moreover, District law says that agencies cannot take any action that will significantly affect a neighborhood unless they give the affected ANCs 30 days’ advance notice. This includes zoning, streets, recreation, education, social services, sanitation, planning, safety, budget, and health services.
*Unlike other ANCs, the Chevy Chase ANC is located in 2 different wards, half in Ward 3 and since 2002, half in Ward 4. To convey our cross-ward identity, we often refer to the Commission as ANC 3/4 G although technically the ANC’s name is “ANC 3G.”)
ANC 3/4G has seven commissioners and holds bi-monthly public meetings at the Chevy Chase Community Center on the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Mondays of the month at 7:00pm, except on holidays. There are no meetings during August.