Resolutions, Letters, and Comments

ANC Resolution, Letters, and Comments Document Library (January 1, 2023 – present)

DateDocument TypeAgencyDocument TitleDocument Link
06/24/2024ResolutionWMATAANC 3/4G Better Bus Network Resolution Link to Document
06/24/2024Resolution DDOTANC 3/4G Livingston St. NW Traffic-Calming ResolutionLink to Document
06/10/2024ResolutionDDOTANC 3/4G 32nd St. NW Sidewalk ResolutionLink to Document
05/13/2024Resolution Mayor, DC CouncilANC 3/4G DC Statehood ResolutionLink to Document
04/25/24ResolutionOP, DC Zoning CommissionANC 3/4G Resolution on Proposed Upper Connecticut Ave NW Rezoning Link to Document
03/25/2024ResolutionDCPS, DGS, DPRANC 3/4G Resolution Urging recapping its previous resolution issued in February 2024, as well, with input from the community, its recommendations on how DC can best honor its commitment to restore and maintain the lower grass field. Link to resolution
03/11/2024ResolutionDMPEDANC 3/4G Resolution to Amend the Civic Site RFPLink to resolution
03/11/2024ResolutionWMATAANC 3/4G Resolution
To Urge WMATA to Preserve
Critical Bus Service for Chevy Chase
Link to resolution
02/26/2024ResolutionDCPS/DGSLafayette Field ResolutionLink to resolution
02/06/2024ResolutionDDOTBio-Retention BedsLink to resolution
01/08/2024Resolution DDOEIvy City ResolutionLink to Document
12/11/2023ResolutionDMPEDANC3/4G Resolution on the Chevy Chase Civic Core Site – Next Steps RecommendationsLink to Resolution
12/06/2023ResolutionDMPEDANC 3/4G Resolution on the Chevy Chase Civic Core Site SurveyLink to resolution
11/29/2023ResolutionDDOTANC resolution Regarding the Construction of a Bio-Retention Pit
In the 5300 Block of 28th Street NW
Link to resolution
11/27/2023ResolutionDDOTANC 3/4G Resolution
Concerning the
District’s Broad Branch Stormwater Retrofit Project
Link to resolution
11/13/2023ResolutionDCPSANC 3/4G Resolution on WTU Contract ResolutionLink to resolution
07/24/2023ResolutionDDOTANC 3/4G Resolution on Broad Branch RehabilitationLink to resolution
07/24/2023ResolutionOANCANC 3/4G Resolution On Grant ApplicationsResolution on ANC Grants
07/24/2023ResolutionVariousANC 3/4G Resolution on the Civic CoreCivic Core Resolution on Institutional Needs
06/12/2023ResolutionWMATACalling on Changes to WMATA’s Proposed Better Bus Network Proposed Routes Effecting Chevy ChaseLink to resolution
5/24/2023LetterOPCalling on Improved Public Engagement Relating to the Chevy Chase Civic CoreLink to OP Letter
5/24/2023LetterDMPEDCalling on Improved Public Engagement Relating to the Chevy Chase Civic CoreLink to DMPED Letter
5/8/2023ResolutionMayor’s OfficeANC 3/4G Resolution Seeking Removal of a 1909 Deed Restriction on the Community Center-Library SiteLink to Deed Restriction Resolution
5/8/2023ResolutionDMPED, OPANC 3/4G Resolution
Calling for Improved Public Engagement
Concerning the Civic Core Project
Link to Chevy Chase Civic Core Engagement Resolution
4/27/2023LetterOPANC 3/4G Request for OP Staff to Meet with the Community on Proposed Civic Core Draft ZoneLink to letter to Anita Cozart
4/24/2023Resolution Response LetterOSSEOSSE’s Response Letter to ANC 3/4G’s March 27, 2023 Resolution on Transportation to School for
Students with Special Needs
Link to OSSE’s Response to ANC 3/4G’s 3/27/2023 Resolution
4/24/2023ResolutionDCPSANC 3/4G Resolution on the Budget at Murch Elementary School April 24, 2023Link to Murch Resolution
4/24/2023ResolutionANCANC 3/4G Resolution of Thanks to Muhang and Soonae Cho
For Service to the Community as Proprietors of The Fishery
Link to Fishery Seafood Market Resolution
4/24/2023ResolutionDDOTANC 3/4G Resolution Supporting Wine & Organic Application for a Public Space PermitLink to Wine and Organic Resolution
4/24/2023ResolutionCouncilANC 3/4G Resolution On Products Made from Force FeedingLink to Products Made from Force Feeding Resolution
4/12/2023BZA OrderBZAFinal BZA Order in Case No. 20643, The Maret SchoolLink to Final BZA Order
4/12/2023BZA LetterBZABZA Attestation Letter for Final Order in BZA Case No. 20643, The Maret SchoolLink to Attestation Letter
3/29/2023LetterMayor, CouncilANC 3/4G’s FY24 Budget Request LetterLink to FY24 budget request letter
3/27/2023ResolutionOSSEANC 3/4G Resolution
Transportation to School for
Students with Special Needs
March 27, 2023
Link to OSSE resolution
3/27/2023TestimonyDPRANC 3/4G Testimony Before the
Committee on Recreation, Libraries and Youth Affairs
FY 2024 Budget Hearing
Department of Parks and Recreation
April 5, 2023
Link to the ANC’s budget testimony
3/15/2023LetterWMATAANC 3/4G’s Comments on WMATA’s FY24 BudgetLink to WMATA FY24 budget request letter
2/27/2023ResolutionANCANC 3/4G Resolution Voiding the ANC 3/4G-Maret School Memorandum of Understanding;
Disbanding the Maret Sports Field Project Task Force
Link to Resolution Voiding MOU and Maret Task Force
2/24/2023Draft Civic Core ZoneOPOffice of Planning Draft Civic Core Text AmendmentsDraft Civic Core Zone
2/17/2023LetterOAGOAG opinion letter on ANC Authority to Enter Voluntary AgreementsLink to OAG Maret TF Opinion Letter
1/23/2023RecommendationsRASE Recommendation on the Chevy Chase Civic Core SiteLink to RASE recommendation
1/23/2023ResolutionANCClarification of Maret Project TF AuthorityLink to Maret TF Clarification Resolution
01/23/2023ResolutionANCMama Lucia’s Application for a Special Zoning ExemptionMama Lucia Resolution Link
01/23/2023ResolutionANCProposal to Surplus a Portion of the Community Center-Library SiteSurplus Resolution Link
01/23/2023ResolutionANCSupporting Historic Designation for the Building Only of the PNC Bank SitePNC HD Resolution Link
01/17/2023LetterOAGLetter to the OAG Requesting an Opinion on the ANC/Maret Field Project MOUOAG Opinion Letter Link
01/09/2023ResolutionANCAppointing Additional Members to the Zoning, Design and Development Standing CommitteeZDD Resolution Link
7/5/2022TestimonyANCTestimony Before the Committee of the Whole on PR 24-789, the “Chevy Chase Small Area Plan Approval Resolution of 2022,” July 5, 2022Link to Testimony
4/7/2022TestimonyOffice of Racial EquityTestimony Before the Committee on Housing and Executive Administration FY 2023 Budget Hearing on the Office of the City AdministratorLink to Testimony
4/4/2022TestimonyANCTestimony before the Committee on Recreation, Libraries, and Youth Affairs FY 2023 Budget Hearing District of Columbia Public LibraryLink to Testimony
3/29/2022TestimonyTestimony before the Committee on Transportation and the Environment FY 2023 Budget Hearing on the Department of Energy and EnvironmentLink to Testimony
3/24/2022TestimonyTestimony Before the Committee of the Whole FY 2023 Budget Hearing on the Department of BuildingsLink to Testimony
3/23/2022TestimonyTestimony before the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization FY 2023 Budget Hearing on the Department of Aging and Community LivingLink to Testimony
3/14/2022TestimonyTestimony before the Committee on Transportation & the Environment Public Hearing on B24-565 Safe Routes to School Expansion Regulation Amendment Act of 2021 and B24-566 Walk Without Worry Amendment Act of 2021Link to Testimony
2/28/2022TestimonyTestimony before the Committee on Transportation and the Environment Performance Oversight Hearing for DC WaterLink to Testimony
2/24/2022TestimonyBefore the Committee of the Whole Performance Oversight Hearing for the Office of PlanningLink to Testimony
2/18/2022TestimonyBefore the Committee on Transportation and the Environment Performance Oversight Hearing for the Department of TransportationLink to Testimony
1/25/2022TestimonyTestimony before the Committee on Transportation and the Environment Oversight Hearing on the Department of Energy and EnvironmentLink to Testimony
9/25/2018Settlement AgreementAmerican City DinerLink to Settlement Agreement

ANC Resolution, Letters, and Comments Documents (2013 – December 31, 2022)


ANC 3/4G Resolution Reporting the Action of the 2021-2022 Commission on the 2020 Task Force on Racism’s Community, Education and Mental Health, and Housing Work Group Recommendations_December 12, 2022

ANC 3/4G Resolution Forming a Standing Committee on Zoning, Design, and Development_October 24, 2022

ANC 3/4G Resolution Regarding NPS’ Beach Drive Environmental Assessment_July 25, 2022_V2

Commissioners Speck, Cadwell, Gosselin, and Higgins Comments On the Beach Drive Closure Environmental Assessment_August 8, 2022

ANC 3/4G Resolution Concerning Pedestrian Crosswalks at Chevy Chase Circle_July 25, 2022

ANC 3/4G Resolution Establishing a Zoning, Design, and Development Standing Committee_June 27, 2022

ANC 3/4G Resolution_B24-0726 Bill on Repro Health Protection_June 13 2022

ANC 3/4G Resolution on the Office of Planning’s Draft Chevy Chase Small Area Plan_May 9, 2022

ANC 3/4G Resolution on the Lisner Home’s Application to the Zoning Commission (Case No. 21-11)_March 14, 2022

ANC 3/4G Resolution Regarding Proposed Single Member District Boundaries For the Ward 4 Portion of ANC 3/4G_March 10, 2022

ANC 3/4G Resolution Regarding Proposed Maret School Sports Field BZA Case No. 20643_February 28, 2022

ANC 3/4G Resolution Urging Funding for a Feasibility Study to Locate a Senior Wellness Center in Ward 3_January 24, 2022

ANC 3/4G Resolution on Commissioner Respect approved at the properly noticed, Public Meeting held on January 24, 2022

ANC 3/4G Resolution on the “Ward Boundaries of Portions of Chevy Chase and the Entirety of Barnaby Woods and Hawthorne” approved at the properly noticed, Special Meeting held on December 1, 2021

ANC 3/4G Resolution Requesting Interim Safety Measures at Military Road and Chevy Chase Parkway NW and Calling a Post-installation Community Meeting on Whether to Designate the Chevy Chase Parkway Block Between Legation Street & Military Road One Way November 8, 2021

ANC 3/4G Resolution Seeking to Assure Quality and Public Participation in the Remaining Community Portion of the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan Process November 8, 2021

Regarding DDOT’s Connecticut Avenue Reversible Lane Study Supporting Concept C  final 4-26-2021

Commissioner Speck’s Comments on DDOT’s Connecticut Avenue Reversible Lanes Study  4-28-21

Commissioner Chang’s Comments on Concerns with Concept C, DDOT’s Connecticut Avenue Reversible Lane Study_April 25, 2021

For the Commission to Foster More Informed Community Engagement in the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan 4-26-2021

Announcing the Commission’s Intention to Hold Community Forums as Part of the Chevy Chase Small Area Planning Process and Seeking Community Partners final -4-26-2021

Supporting the Need for Community Oversight of District Government  Acquisition and Use of Surveillance Technologies  4-26-2021

Urging the Mayor and Council to Use Federal Funds to Remove All Lead Service Lines in the District 4-12-21

Requesting that the Council and the Zoning Commission Ensure That No Zoning Changes Will Be Approved Before Completion and Council Adoption of the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan 4-12-21

Requesting the Office Of Planning Adopt a More Engaged and Collaborative Process for Developing the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan 2-22-2021

Regarding the Establishment of the Racial and Social Equity
Standing Committee 1-25-2021

Regarding the District Department of Transportation on its proposed Request for Proposal for the “Smart Street Lighting Project” 01-14-2021

Regarding the Proposed Relocation of Lafayette Elementary Pre-K4 1-11-2021

Regarding Commissioner Respect 1-11-2021

Regarding Task Force on Racism 12-14-2020

Calling for Reinstatement of Chevy Chase Main Street Grant 10-26-2020

Regarding WMATA Proposal to “Eliminate” E6 Bus 10-13-2020

Calling for the Francis Newman Name Plaque Removal at the Fountain at Chevy Chase Circle 7-27-2020

Statement on Racism 6-8-2020

Regarding Procedures for the General Election in 2020 6-8-2022

Requesting that DC Water and the District Department of Health Examine and, if Feasible, Implement Sewage Testing for COVID-19 6-8-2020

WMATA’s FY 2021 Budget Proposals to Combine the E6 and M4 Bus Routs and Capital Expenditures for Historic Bus Terminal Rehabilitation 2-24-2020

Comprehensive Plan Resolution Final 2-12-2020

Requesting that the Office of Planning Address Lighting Pollution Directly in the Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2-10-2020

Requesting Changes to the Office of Planning’s Proposed Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan 2-10-2020

Requesting Additional Time for Comments on Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Citywide and Area Elements 11-25-2019

Comprehensive Plan Amendments Act of 2019 (B23-0001) 7-22-2019

Lafayette Rec Center Modernization 2019 7-22-2019

Supporting Adding Capt Pointer’s name to Lafayette Rec Center 7-8-2019

Supporting Mayor Bowser’s Statement on Trump’s Threat to Arrest and Remove Immigrant Residents 7-8-2019

Supporting Oxford House Request for Reasonable Accommodation 6-24-2019

Supporting Funding for Lead Line Replacement in FY 2020 budget 5-13-2019

Regarding Parking Regulations 3700 block Jocelyn St 4-8-2019

Opposing Small Cell Wireless and 5G Tech without Studies Resolving Safety and Other Concerns 2-25-2019

Requesting DDOT Prioritize Capital Bikeshare Station at Lafayette Elementary 1-28-2019

Requesting DDOT  study Current Conn Ave Traffic Patterns and Potential Changes 10-22-2018

Small Cell Wireless 9-24-2018

Regarding the Creation of a Parking Task Force 7-9-2018 

IIEP Act 4-9-2018

Capital Budget CC Community Center modernization 4-9-2018

March for Our Lives 3-13-2018

Restroom Facilities 2-12-2018

Sidewalks on Chestnut St 11-27-2017

Death with Dignity 7-26-2017

Lighting Task Force 6-26-2017

Video recording 3-27-2017

39th St. and Reno Road Intersection 2-27-2017

Special Election Procedures SMD 3-4G05 2-13-2017

Signs at Broad Branch and 32nd 1-9-2017

Comet Ping Pong 12-12-2016

Senior Wellness Center 6-27-2016

Inclusionary Zoning ZC Case 4-33G 2-22-2016

Opposing Exelon’s Acquisition of Pepco 12-14-2015

Bench on Connecticut Avenue to honor Julian Bond 9-28-2015

Wilson Budget Cuts 4-13-2015

Ingleside Final Resolution 12-8-2014


To Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) Director of Strategic Initiatives, Gilles Stucker, requesting delay of the Public Surplus Meeting_11-30-22

To the ANC 3/4G Community–Commissioner Connie K. N. Chang’s Announcement Decision Not to Seek Re-Election for ANC 3/4G-05_July 25, 2022

To Council Chair Phil Mendelson re: Unauthorized Written Comments Contained in the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan Resolution_7-12-22

To the ANC 3/4G Community–Chair Randy Speck’s Announcement Decision Not to Seek Re-Election for ANC 3G03_June 27, 2022

To OP Interim Director Cozart re: timeline & logistics of final phase of Chevy Chase Small Area Plan_3-15-22

To DCRA re: American City Diner Legality of Billboard Ad and Inspection for Blighted Property Tax Category 2-16-22

To Councilmembers Requesting Meeting with Them and MPD re: Disproportionate Non-Traffic-Related Stops of Black People in the 2nd District 6-28-2021

To Council re: Transmitting SAP Petition_ 4-27-21

To HPRB re: ECC Historic Landmark Designation 2-23-21

To CM Bonds re: Lafayette Pre-K4 Classes 3-5-21

To CM Silverman re: Lafayette Pre-K4 Classes 3-5-21

To CM Mendelson re: Lafayette Pre-K4 Classes 3-5-21

To CM White re: Lafayette Pre-K4 Classes 3-5-21

To CM Cheh re: Lafayette Pre-K4 Classes 3-5-21

To CM George re: Lafayette Pre-K4 Classes 3-5-21

To Deputy Mayor Kihn re: Lafayette Pre-K4 Classes 3-5-21

Statement on Capitol Incident of January 6, 2021

To DDOT re: the Revised Draft Environmental Assessment for Rehabilitation of Broad Branch Road, NW 11-11-20

To DDOT re: Oregon Ave Watershed Green Streets Project 10-25-2018

To BOE Regarding Timing of ANC Petitions 6-2-2018

From DDOT regarding Reno Road notice of intent 1-3-2017

Chevy Chase ANC 3-4G E6 Bus Route Issues 2-9-20

Regarding raze permit for 3831 Livingston Street, NW 10-16-2015

ANC 3/4G letters regarding the raze permit for 3831 Livingston Street, NW 10-9-2015 -U

Regarding Zoning Regulations-Comprehensive Text 9-13-2015

M4 Bus Capacity Letter to DDOT and WMATA 1-26-2015


Comments on the revised draft Environmental Assessment for rehabilitation of Broad Branch Road NW 11-11-20

Zoning Responses to ANC Comments 9-12-2016

Disability Parking Comments 7-18-2016

Proposed New Columbia Constitution 7-11-2016-U

Proposed Omnibus Amendment Act 7-11-2016 -U

Zoning Comprehensive Text Revisions 9-23-2015

Rehab Broad Branch Rd Env. Assessment 11-15-2013


ANC 3/4G Resolution Regarding the DC Public Service Commission’s Order Denying Exelon’s Proposed Acquisition of Pepco

Exelon-Pepco Resolution 9-10-2015

ANC vote on Pepco-Exelon Merger 1-14-2015


CAFRITZ Memorandum of Understanding February 2015

ANC.Cafritz MOU – 2-20-2015

Cafritz Perimeter trees 8-7-2013


Cafritz-Department of Transportation Urban Forestry 2-21-2014