Transportation Committee

The Mission Statement of the ANC 3/4G Transportation Committee is:
To identify and advocate for enhancements to all forms of transportation – guided by concerns for safety, equity, accessibility and the environment.

The Transportation Committee (TC) has two working groups:
• The Bus Transit Working Group (BTWG) is led by TC co-chair Michaela Platzer. The focus of this working group is to monitor current and future changes to bus service, the WMATA budget, and to work with the ANC to maintain and improve public bus transit within, to, and from ANC 3/4G.
• The Safety Working Group is led by Josh Rising and it seeks to identify ways in which, working with the ANC, the safe use of all modes of transportation in the neighborhood can be improved.

2024 Committee Members

ANC Commissioner James Nash, Chair; Cal Simone and Michaela Platzer, co-chairs; Karen Abrams; Andrew Aurbach; Ron Eichner; Allison Fitzsimmons; Meghan Gibbons; Bernadette Gibbons; Ronald Kahn; Michael Katzmann; Liz Nagy; Matt Ossolinski; Josh Rising; Maria Sims.

2024 Committee Meeting Dates

The TC ordinarily meets the first Thursday of every month from 7:15pm to 8:30pm. There are no August meetings. Meeting dates for 2024 are: June 6; July 11; September 5; October 3; November 7; December 5. All members of the public are welcome to attend TC meetings. The zoom link for TC meetings can normally found with the agenda for the upcoming meeting, posted at least one week in advance on the ANC website under “What’s New” in the Home tab.

Committee Document Library

Transportation Committee DocumentCommittee Year-end 2024 ReportSummary of committee’s activities during the yearMichaela Platzer01/01/2024Link to Document
Transportation Committee DocumentWMATA Approved Bus Network Changes Summary, bus network changes affecting ANC communityCal Simone11/05/2024Link to Document
Transportation Committee DocumentSurvey Results09/17/2024Link to Document
Transportation Committee AgendaCommittee businessAgenda for Sept. 5, 2024James Nash09/01/2024Link to Document
LetterCouncilmember communications Matt Frumin to WMATAMatt Frumin07/15/2024Link to Document
Letter Councilmember communicationsJaneese Lewis George to WMATAJaneese Lewis George 07/15/2024Link to document
Washington Post News story A Comprehensive Overhaul Would Eliminate Stops Rachel Weiner07/12/2024Link to Document
Transportation Committee AgendaCommittee businessAgenda for July 18, 2024James Nash07/07/2024Link to Document
ANC 3/4GResolution Better Bus Resolution ANC 3/4G 06/24/2024Link to Document
Transportation Committee Agenda Committee businessAgenda for June 6, 2024James Nash05/30/2024Link to Document
Connecticut Avenue Crash Data: Background InformationTransportationAnalysis of crash data Stephen Schwartz and James Nash5/22/2024Link to Document
Connecticut Avenue Crashes with Injuries: Data Transportation Connecticut Ave. crashes with fatal & non-fatal injuries. 1/1/2019-5/15/24opendata.dc.gov5/22/2024Download Excel
Metrobus Route Change HearingsTransportationHearing ScheduleWMATA05/21/2024Link to Document
Metrobus Better Bus RouteTransportationProposed Replacement for E4 BusWMATA5/21/2024Link to Document