Oregon Ave. Sewer Rehab Update 3-10-17
Lighting Pilot Extended!
Based on the ANC’s Lighting Taskforce and community feedback received at DDOT’s public meeting held on Feb. 25 for Oregon Avenue’s Reconstruction, the existing 110 watt LED lamps were determined to be too bright and too blue. Therefore, DDOT has installed two more lower lumen 70 watt LED lights for comparison near Chestnut Street and Oregon Avenue. The new pilot lights have been installed. See below for pictures and a map and don’t forget to complete DDOT’s survey. At this point, DDOT is not considering adding a filter to warm the tones, but may consider it in the future.
Tell DDOT What You Think of Lighting Pilot On Oregon Ave.!
What do you think now?
Throughout the design process, we are periodically posting structured opportunities for you to let us know your preferences.
During this phase, DDOT is evaluating lighting options for the corridor. As described in the Design Criteria, one of the project goals is preserving the character of the corridor while providing modern, sustainable lighting alternatives.
The results of the previous online poll and the comments received during the third public meeting indicate that the two demonstration lights near St. John’s College High School are too bright and the color is too white.
In response DDOT has installed two additional lights near the intersection with Wise Road. These lights are also LED lights, but a lower wattage. Please take the time to visit the location (shown below) and provide us with your feedback in our survey. (Scroll to bottom of page for survey.)
Thank you.
First location