Maret School-ECC Sports Field Project Task Force




January 10th; February. 7th; March 6th; April 10th; May 8th;  June 12th; July 10th; August 7th; September 4th; October 2nd; October 30th; December 4th.


On December 5, 2022, ANC 3/4G created a Task Force made up of Commissioners and members of the community to monitor the construction phase of the ECC/Maret field project.   The purpose of the Task Force is to ensure that ECC/Maret and their General Contractor (GC) uphold the commitments made in regard to the construction of the new field at the ECC in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that was signed between Maret and the ANC in March 2022. The MOU called for the creation of the Field Task Force.  The MOU consists of the ANC Resolution and the conditions Maret agreed to with the ANC.  You can read the MOU here:


Jenny Backus, Co-Chair:;

Mike Osborne, Co-Chair:;

Jim Nash, ANC Commissioner:;

Bruce Sherman, ANC Commissioner:;

Marek Gootman, Community Member:

Lisa Gore (, Chair of ANC 3/4G,  is an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Task Force. Trey Holloway from Maret, Stephanie Nash from the ECC, and Johnny Seikaly from MCN Build, the Maret Project Manager, serve as non-voting members of the Task Force and will attend Task Force meetings to update members on the construction of the project. 

To reach all Task Force members, you can either send an email to: or fill out this question/complaint form.

2024 Task Force Meeting Schedule

January 10th; February. 7th; March 6th; April 10th; May 8th;  June 12th; July 10th; August 7th; September 4th; October 2nd; October 30th; December 4th.

2023 Task Force Meeting Schedule

February 15th; March 22nd; April 19th; May 17th; June 14th; July 19th; August 28th; September 20th; October 18th; November 8th; and December 6th.

All meeting times are at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted on the above schedule.

Document Library

10/2/2024Task Force Community UpdatesUpdate #19Summary of 10/2/2024 task force meetingJenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-ChairsLink to Document
9/7/24Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #18Summary of 9/4/24 task force meetingJenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-ChairsLink to Document
9/7/24Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #17Summary of 8/7/24 task force meetingJenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-ChairsLink to Document
7/18/24Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #16Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-ChairsLink to Document
6/12/24Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #15Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-ChairsLink to Update
5/22/24Maret School UpdateMaret Athletic Fields Major Project MilestonesConstruction Schedule for Spring-Summer 2024Maret SchoolLink to Document
5/12/24Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #14Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-ChairsLink to TF Update
4/10/24Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #13Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Link to TF Update
3/6/24Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #12Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Link to TF Update
2/7/24Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #11Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Link to TF Update
1/10/24Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #10Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Link to TF UpdateLink to TF UpdateLink to TF Update
12/5/23Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #9Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Link to TF Update
10/17/23Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #8Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Link to TF Update
6/16/23Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #7Update on Maret/MCN Build, ECC construction, task force framework, and discussion on community questions.Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Link to TF Update
6/8/23Progress Reports6/8/2023 MCN Build Progress ReportMCN Build provides a project scheduled update and one month look ahead.MCN BuildLink to MCN Update
5/24/2023Progress Reports5/24/2023 MCN Build Progress ReportMCN Build provides a project scheduled update and one month look ahead.MCN BuildLink to MCN Update
5/18/2023Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #6Update on Maret/MCN Build, ECC construction, task force framework, and discussion on community questions.Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Link to TF Update
4/25/2023Progress Reports4/25/2023 MCN Build Progress ReportMCN Build provides a project scheduled update and one month look ahead.MCN BuildLink to MCN Build update
4/21/2023Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #5Update on Maret/MCN Build, ECC construction, task force framework, and discussion on community questions.Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Link to TF update
4/19/2023Video4/19/2023 Zoom Meeting RecordingZoom meeting link Passcode: #&VwkT$8Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Link to Zoom Recording
4/12/2023BZA OrderFinal BZA Order in Case No. 20643, The Maret SchoolThis self-certified application was filed November 1, 2021 on behalf of The Maret School (the “Applicant”) and the Episcopal Center for Children (“ECC”), the owner of the property that is the subject of the application. Following a public hearing, the Board voted to approve the application subject to conditions.BZALink to Final BZA Order
3/29/2023Progress Reports3/29/2023 MCN Build Progress ReportMCN Build provides a project scheduled update and one month look ahead.MCN BuildLink to MCN update
3/28/2023Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #4Update on Maret/MCN Build, ECC construction, task force framework, and discussion on community questions.Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Link to update #4
3/22/2023Video3/22/2023 Zoom Meeting RecordingZoom meeting link. Passcode: X&21jCK7Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Link to meeting video
3/14/2023Progress Reports3/14/2023 MCN Build Progress ReportMCN Build provides a project scheduled update and one month look ahead.MCN BuildLink to MCN Build 3/14/23 Update
3/7/2023Maret Project UpdatesTree work on the site of the Episcopal Center for Children (ECC)The tree relocation company, Environmental Design, Inc., has been on the fields at the ECC since March 1 preparing the site to move the heritage trees. Trey Holloway, Assistant Head of School for Finance and Operations, MaretLink to Maret 3/7/23 Heritage Tree Relocation Update
3/3/2023Progress Reports3/3/2023 MCN Build Progress ReportMCN Build provides a project scheduled update and one month look ahead.MCN BuildLink to 3/3/23 MCN Build Update
3/02/2023EmailDDOT Inspector Site Visit This AMDDOT Inspector Blunt was on the Maret-ECC project site and provided guidance on Maret's orange fence and protest signs. Trey Holloway, Assistant Head of School for Finance and Operations, MaretLink to Email
2/28/2023Maret Project UpdatesTree work on the site of the Episcopal Center for Children (ECC) will continue in March and April with the relocation of four heritage trees.This phase of work will take 6–8 weeks to complete and will begin with the mobilization of equipment and crews March 1–6. Trey Holloway, Assistant Head of School for Finance and Operations, MaretLink to Maret Project Heritage Trees Relocation Update
2/17/2023LettersOAG Opinion on ANC Authority to Enter Voluntary AgreementsThis opinion clarifies several issues relating to ANC authority on voluntary agreements.Brian Schwalb, Attorney General by Joshua A. Turner, Assistant Attorney GeneralLink to OAG Letter on ANC Authority to Enter Voluntary Agreements
2/17/2023Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #3Update on Maret/MCN Build, ECC construction, task force framework, and discussion on community questions.Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Link to community update #3
2/15/2023Community Pre-Meeting QuestionsCommunity Questions for the ANC Field Task Force for 1/18/2023Questions submitted by community members in advance of the 1/18/2023 meetingCommunity MembersLink to community questions
2/15/2023Chat TranscriptANC Field Chat Transcript for 2/15/2023 MeetingChat contentsJenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Link to meeting chat
2/15/2023Video2/15/2023 Zoom Meeting RecordingZoom meeting link. Passcode: 9Wb@+UuJ
Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Zoom Link
2/14/2023Progress Reports2/14/2023 MCN Build Progress ReportMCN Build provides a project scheduled update and one month look ahead.MCN BuildProgress Report
01/26/2023Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #2Committee Co-chairs provided an update on the Task Force operations and the Maret/MCN build update.Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Community Update #2 Link
01/18/2023Email Information on Maret Hours of UsageMaret provided a link to the field usage charts prepared last year.Trey Holloway, Assistant Head of School for Finance and Operations, Maret

1/18/2023Community Pre-Meeting QuestionsCommunity Questions for the ANC Field Task Force for 1/18/2023Questions submitted by community members in advance of the 1/18/2023 meetingCommunity Members01 18 2023 Community Task Force Questions
1/18/2023Chat TranscriptANC Field Chat Transcript for 1/18/2023 MeetingChat contentsJenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
01 18 2023 Chat Link
01/17/2023LettersANC 3/4G Letter to the OAG Requesting a Legal Opinion The ANC requested OAG's opinion on the Commission’s ability to enter into an agreement with Maret on the field project.Lisa R. Gore, Chair, ANC 3/4GOAG Opinion Request Link
01/06/2023EmailMaret's Field Project Web LinkMaret provided a link to detailed information about the ECC field project. MaretMaret Field Project Page Link
12/29/2022EmailInformation from Maret on Tree Work at ECC and BZA OrderUpdate on the tree work occurring on the grounds of the ECC and the BZA. Trey Holloway, Assistant Head of School for Finance and Operations, MaretMaret Tree Work Update Link
12/16/2022Task Force Community UpdatesTask Force Community Update #1Committee Co-chairs provided an update on the Task Force, its membership and operating principals.Jenny Backus and Michael Osborne, Task Force Co-Chairs
Community Update #1 Link
11/18/2022AnnouncementANC Seeks Resident Participation Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3/4G is published a solicitation seeking resident participation in the development of a sports field on the Episcopal Center for Children property.Lisa R. Gore, Chair, ANC 3/4GTask Force Solicitation Link