The Commission has been organizing a series of information exchanges to engage and involve residents in the next phases of the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan process, led by the District’s Office of Planning, that begun in FY 2021 with a public launch in March 2021.
The process last spring addressed broader questions of “WHY” and “WHAT” (vision and goals — see: Since the Fall the small area planning process has been addressing specific questions of “HOW” and “WHERE” by focusing on urban design and developing specific recommendations intended to realize the vision and goals for the Connecticut Avenue corridor.
On March 14, 2022, the Office of Planning unveiled the draft Chevy Chase Small Area Plan (“CCSAP”) and will be taking public comments online through May 13, 2022, which is longer than the original and typical 30-day comment period in response to a letter sent by the Commission to Interim Director Anita Cozart requesting more time. A Public Hearing hosted by the Office of Planning is scheduled for Tuesday, April 26, 2022, starting at 2:00pm at the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church (Chadsey Hall), located at One Chevy Chase Circle, NW, which is a later date and a better location also requested by the Commission. Individuals wishing to speak at the Public Hearing should sign up in advance. Each individual will be provided 3 minutes of time to submit oral testimony for the record. The hearing will be transcribed.
After the public comment period closes on May 13, the Office of Planning will submit the final CCSAP to the DC Council to be approved by Resolution. The Office of Planning’s submission will include a summary of any changes made from the Draft CCSAP and the record of public comments received in writing and transcribed from the hearing.
ANC 3/4G hosted Information Exchange Sessions will continue through Spring 2022. Please join your neighbors for conversations with planning experts, advocates, and officials as we learn about affordable housing development models, hear from non-profit developers and community trust experts, discuss opportunities for the Chevy Chase Public Library and Chevy Chase Community Center campus that includes affordable housing, and engage in other topics of interest to make informed decisions as it relates to the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan.
SESSION 1: Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 7-8 PM, “Small Area Plans: An Outside Expert Talks About What to Look For, Ask About, & What to Avoid” with Jeff Farner, Deputy Director, Department of Planning & Zoning, City of Alexandria, VA. Over forty neighbors showed up for our kick-off session. Click on the session title above for links to the Video Recording and Q&As/Chat.
SESSION 2: Thursday, September 30, 2021, 7-8 PM, “Perspectives of High-Rise Residents in Chevy Chase, DC,” Kristina Svensson, single mother of two teenagers; Eric Spencer, single father of two grown children; Maria Sims, single mother, Native Washingtonian, and longstanding President La Reine Tenants Association. Click on the session title above for links to the Video Recording and Q&As/Chat.
SESSION 3: Thursday, October 7, 2021, 7-8 PM, “Creative Use of Space in Chevy Chase, DC: Leveraging Underutilized Space, Supporting Creatives & Entrepreneurs, and Ensuring Economic Vitality,” with Kathleen Zeifang, founding board member of Ch/Art and former EVP of The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation, and Pallavi Chandra, organizer of the Chevy Chase Farmers Market. Click on the session title above for links to the Video Recording and Q&As/Chat
SESSION 4: Thursday, October 14, 2021, 7-8:30 PM, “Community Land Trusts: How Can They Bring Affordability to a Neighborhood Like Chevy Chase, DC?,” with Coy McKinney, lead organizer for the Southwest Action Fund and Ginger Rumph, Executive Director of the Douglass Community Land Trust. Click on the session title above for links to the Video Recording and Q&As/Chat.
SESSION 5: Thursday, October 21, 2021, 7-8 PM, “Nonprofit Developers & Architects: How Do They Finance and Build Affordable Housing in the District? What Will It Take To Bring Significant Affordable Housing to Chevy Chase, DC?” with Susanne Slater, President & CEO, Habitat for Humanity of Washington, DC, and Michael Marshall, President & CEO, Michael Marshall Design, LLC. Click on the session title above for links to the Video Recording and Q&As/Chat.
SESSION 6: Thursday, October 28, 2021, 7-8 PM, “Vibrant Public Spaces: How Can We Create a Great Central Meeting Spot in Chevy Chase, DC? Can the Redevelopment of the Library and Community Center into a Campus with Affordable Housing Provide Such an Opportunity?” with ANC 3/4G resident Ellen McCarthy, Principal, The Urban Partnership, and faculty member, Georgetown University, Urban and Regional Planning Masters Program, and ANC 3/4G adjacent resident Matt Bell, Principal, Perkins Eastman. Click on the session title above for links to the Video Recording and Q&As/Chat.
SPECIAL ANC 3/4G-05 & ANC 3/4G-06 Hosted Zoominar: Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 7-8 PM, “Presenting Ward3Vision’s 30-Year Vision for Chevy Chase, DC” with neighbors Ron Eichner, Principal of New Legacy Partners and Ellen McCarthy, Principal of The Urban Partnerships, faculty member, Georgetown University, Urban and Regional Planning Masters Program, and former Director of DC Office of Planning. Click on the session title above for links to the Video Recording and Q&As/Chat.
SESSION 7: Thursday, January 20, 2022, 7-8 PM, “So You Have A Small Area Plan – Now What? Putting Small Area Plans Into Action” with Alexandra L. Cain, Assistant Attorney General, and Maximilian L.S. Tondro, Chief, Land Use Section, Commercial Division, Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia. Click on the session title above for links to the Video Recording and Q&As/Chat.
SESSION 8: Wednesday, March 2, 2022, 7-8:15 PM, “Small Area Plans and Historic Districts: Are They Compatible or at Cross-Purposes in Service of Neighborhood Goals? How So? Are There Other Tools Available?“ a conversation hosted by ANC 3/4G and co-sponsored by Chevy Chase Citizens Association (CCCA) and Historic Chevy Chase DC (HCCDC), featuring: Steve Callcott, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer, Historic Preservation Office, District’s Office of Planning, Kim Williams, Historic Preservation Specialist and National Register Coordinator, Historic Preservation Office, District’s Office of Planning, and Brian McCabe, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and the Faculty & Research Director in the Center for Social Justice, Georgetown University.
This session was moderated by Charles Cadwell, ANC 3/4G-07 Commissioner and HCCDC Board member and included lead discussants Robert Gordon, President, CCCA, and Carl Lankowski, President, HCCDC. Click on the session title above for for links to the Video Recording and Q&As/Chat.
SESSION 9: Thursday, April 21, 2022, 7-8 PM, “Delivering Affordable Housing Using An Equity Lens: What Does it Mean to Design Buildings and to Provide Resident Services With Equity in Mind? What Practices and Ideas Can We Borrow That’s Compatible With a Reimagined Civic Core in Chevy Chase, DC?” with Kia Weatherspoon, President & Founder, Determined by Design, Carmen Romero, President & CEO, Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing, and Mitchell Crispell, Director of Real Estate Development, Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing. Click on the session title above for links to the Video Recording and Q&As/Chat.
Note: On April 26, 2021, the Commission approved a resolution, “For the Commission to Foster More Informed Community Engagement in the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan,” supporting this outreach effort.
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