ANC 3/4G’s October 23, 2023 Regular Public Meeting Agenda and Registration Link (Virtual Only)

ANC 3/4G Public Meeting Agenda
October 23, 2023
7:00-9:25 pm

On Line: Register for the Video Meeting here:

7:00 Call to Order and Commissioner Introductions

7:02 Announcement of Meeting Procedures (described below) and Adoption of Agenda

7:04 Consent Agenda Approval:
Minutes: N/A
Debit Card: N/A
Check Reimbursements: N/A

7:05 ANC 3/4G Resident Forum (Members of the ANC 3/4G community are invited to ask questions and raise concerns about issues that are not otherwise on the agenda)

7:20 Discussion and vote on Chevy Chase Main Street Soofa Sign grant proposal (Commissioner Ferguson)

7:30 Presentation from the Lafayette Elementary School, Local School Advisory Team (Commissioner Gore)

7:45 Discussion on DMPED OurRFP Process (Commissioner Gore)

8:05 Update on the ANC Civic Core Survey (Commissioners Gore and Sherman)

8:25 Discussion and update on the Street Light Installation Process (Commissioners Gosselin)

8:40 Discussion on DDOT’s Bio-retention Cell Installation Process (Commissioner Gosselin)

9:00 Presentation on Electric Vehicle Curbside Charging Station Program by DaiTechCorp (Commissioner Ferguson)

9:05 ANC Committee and Task Force Reports
1. Zoning Development and Design (Co-Chairs Gosselin and Slater)
2. Survey Committee (Commissioners Gore and Sherman)
3. Racial and Social Equity Standing Committee (Co-Chairs Martin and Simmons)
4. Maret Project Task Force (Co- Chairs Backus and Osborne)

9:10 Commission Business:
1. Secretary’s Report
2. Treasurer’s Report
Discussion and vote on the proposed FY24 ANC Budget
Discussion and vote on the FY23 4th Quarter Financial Report
3. Possible items for November 13, 2023 meeting: Discussion on OurRFP; Annual ANC Report; ANC Survey Update; Maret Update.

9:20 Commissioner and Community/Agency Announcements (1 minute per speaker)

9:25 Adjournment

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