November 27, 2023, ANC 3/4G Regular Public Meeting
Categories: Agenda
ANC 3/4G Public Meeting Agenda (Hybrid)
November 27, 2023
7:00-9:00 pm
On Line: Register for the Video Meeting here
In Person: Chevy Chase Community Center
7:00 Call to Order and Commissioner Introductions
7:02 Announcement of Meeting Procedures (described below) and Adoption of Agenda
7:04 Consent Agenda Approval:
- Minutes: November 13, 2023
- Debit Card: N/A
- Check Reimbursements: N/A
7:05 ANC 3/4G Resident Forum (Members of the ANC 3/4G community are invited to ask questions and raise concerns about issues that are not otherwise on the agenda)
7:20 Discussion and possible vote on Bio-retention Cell Resolution (Commissioner Gosselin)
7:30 Discussion and possible vote on 28th Street Bio-Retention Cell Resolution (Commissioner Nash)
7:40 Discussion and update on the ANC Civic Core Survey (Commissioners Gore and Sherman). You can find the survey data here.
8:40 Discussion on ANC proposed Transportation Committee (Commissioner Nash)
8:45 ANC Committee and Task Force Reports
1. Zoning Development and Design (Co-Chairs Gosselin and Slater)
2. Survey Committee (Commissioners Gore and Sherman)
3. Racial and Social Equity Standing Committee (Co-Chairs Martin and Simmons)
4. Maret Project Task Force (Co- Chairs Backus and Osborne)
8:50 Commission Business:
1. Secretary’s Report
2. Treasurer’s Report
- Discussion and vote on the proposed FY24 ANC Budget
3. Possible items for December 7, 2023 Special Meeting: Discussion and possible vote on ANC Civic Core Survey Resolution.
4. Possible items for December 11, 2023 Regular Meeting:Annual
ANC Report; Lafayette LSAT; Deal Middle School Student Presentations; Ivy City Resolution; IntelSat Resolution.
8:55 Commissioner and Community/Agency Announcements (1 minute per speaker)
9:00 Adjournment
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