ANC 3/4 Regular Public Meeting (Hybrid) — July 8, 2024

ANC 3/4G Regular Public Meeting Agenda 

July 08, 2024

 7:00 pm – 8:30pm

InPerson:Chevy Chase Community Center, 5601 Connecticut Ave., N.W.

Online:Register for the Video Meeting here

7:00    Call to Order and Commissioner Introductions

 7:02 Announcement of Meeting Procedures (described below) and Adoption of Agenda

7:05 Consent Agenda Approval:

  • Amendment to February 12, 2024 meeting minutes to reflect: Treasurer Ferguson introduced a motion to approve the Quarterly Financial Report (QFR) for Fiscal Year 2024 Quarter 1. The motion passed 6-0 and ANC 3/4G approved the QFR for Quarter 1 of Fiscal Year 2024.
  • Minutes: June 24, 2024
  • Debit Card: N/A
  • Check Reimbursements: N/A

7:10 ANC 3/4G Resident Forum (Members of the ANC 3/4G community are invited to ask questions and raise concerns about issues that are not otherwise on the agenda)

 7:20   Discussion and Possible Vote on 5608 Broad Branch BZA hearing (application  #21174) (Commissioner Lynch)  

7:30     Discussion with Daminique Branch, Washington Gas, on Coordination of Washington Gas Projects (Commissioner Sherman)

7:45    Discussion and Possible Vote on a Resolution on the Use of Natural Grass Versus Artificial Turf at Area Schools. (Commissioner Sherman) 

7:55 Update on Office of Planning’s Filed Supplemental Report Providing the Information Requested by the Zoning Commission (Commissioner Gosselin)

8:05     Update on Ward 4 WMATA Better Bus Network Meeting (Commissioners Gore and Nash)  

8:15    ANC Committee and Task Force Reports

            1.  Zoning Development and Design (Co-Chairs Gosselin and Slater)

            2.  Racial and Social Equity Standing Committee (Co-Chairs Martin and Simmons)

            3.  Transportation Committee, including discussion of membership (Chair Nash) 

            4.  Maret Project Task Force (Co- Chairs Backus and Osborne)

 8:25 Commission Business:

  1. Secretary’s Report
  2. Treasurer’s Report: 
    • Quarterly financial report; bills, including reimbursement to Gosselin for Verizon hotspot and discussion whether to cancel hotspot service
  3. Possible items for July 22, 2024 Regular Meeting: St. John’s BZA case; presentation from DC Water on Pipe Replacement Project; DCPS Chancellor/Deputy Mayor for Education.

 8:30        Adjournment

If you are not able to attend the ANC’s public meeting, you may submit your written comments to Videos of the ANC’s meetings are available on YouTube channel ANC3G.

Regular Meeting Procedures:The ANCs meetings are run with a few norms in mind, and we expect everyone to abide by these norms. The promote a civil and respectful discourse.

  1. Residents are encouraged to send any questions or comments to the Chair at in advance of the meting so that they can be addressed during the meeting.
  2. Except when they are recognized to speak, all virtual attendees should mute their devices to avoid disruptions from background noises. In-person attendees should be recognized by the Chair before making comments.
  3. Meetings will follow the agenda and the times listed there, with any modifications determined by the Chair.
  4. During meetings, virtual attendees should use the chat function to ask questions or to request to make a comment; they will then be recognized by the Chair.
  5. We understand that sometimes issues may provoke strong emotions and that these expectations may be forgotten. Part of the Chair’s job is to remind you of these norms during the meeting.
  6. Regular Commission meetings will be in person at the Chevy Chase Community Center with a Zoom component – a hybrid format.
  7. If this meeting is hybrid, it will observe a time limit of 1 hour, 30 minutes in keeping with a reasonable citizen time commitment and Community Center scheduling requirements.
  8. Commissioner introductions and announcements will be one minute each.
  9. ANC 3/4G community-related agenda items will now be placed first on the agenda.
  10. A 10-minute block of unstructured time for resident comments will be incorporated into every regular Commission meeting – for new business other than agenda items.
  11. Speakers must limit any statements or questions to the time allotted. The Commission also accepts emailed and written comments or questions. When discussing agenda items residents will have the first opportunity to speak on agenda items, followed by Commissioner briefs.
  12. Commissioner briefs on agenda items will be kept to two minutes with a one-minute follow-up, as needed.
  13. Resident briefs on agenda items (i.e., scheduled contributions by residents as part of the agenda) will be given the same time as Commissioners: two minutes with a one-minute follow-up. Every resident will have an opportunity to be heard once on an issue before any resident is heard twice.
  14. Ad hoc comments by residents in response to agenda items and during the 10-minute open session will be kept to one minute with a one-minute follow-up, as needed.
  15. Routine Business items that have the unanimous approval of the Commission will be moved to the “Consent Agenda.” The following types of items are sometimes included in the consent portion of meeting agendas: Topics of a routine/recurring nature; procedural decisions; Non-controversial issues that do not require debate or deliberation; Items previously discussed for which the Commission has come to a consensus, but that still need an official vote. The following items should be considered for consent items: The previous meetings’ minutes; Financial reports or any other reports that are informational only and that do not require debate; and Resolutions that do not require debate, like ceremonial resolutions.
  16. Task Force/Committee Reports should be limited to two-minutes each. If a Task Force is submitting recommendations to the Commission or has any report that may extend beyond two-minutes, the recommendation and report shall be submitted to the full Commission 7 days in advance of the meeting.

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