January 29, 2025 Special Virtual-only Public Meeting

Meeting Time: 7:30PM – 9:00 PM

Register for Virtual Meeting here

The Commission, as required by law, is supposed to provide a 7-day notice for its meetings. In this case, the ANC believes it has good cause to meet the exemption requirements in that the Zoning Commission’s final action on zoning case (23-25) will be held on Thursday, January 30th; the new Commission held its first substantive meeting on Monday, January 27th, and during this meeting voted 6-1-0 to hold a Special Meeting to discuss proposed actions in the zoning case; and the ANC’s next Regular Public Meeting is February 10, 2025, well after the final action on this case.


A copy of the agenda and related documents can be found here



20250129 Final Signed Resolution Calling for Connecticut Ave Upzoning to be a Contested Case

20250129 Draft Resolution that Upzoning of Connecticut Avenue NW as Contested Case


