DMPED Responds to Councilmember Frumin’s Letter on the Civic Core
Categories: Agenda
On March 16, 2023, the ANC received a letter from DMPED in response to Ward 3 Councilmember Matt Frumin’s February 9, 2023 letter about the Chevy Chase civic core site. In it’s response, DMPED stated that it will be using the District’s “OurRFP” process for the civic core site “In order to ensure that all stakeholders have continued meaningful input into the RFP..” DMPED further states that, “The OurRFP will provide DMPED with a further understanding of the community’s major goals for the redevelopment of the Civic Site, as well as provide the community with an understanding of how the future of the Civic Site will contribute to the District’s planning goals.”
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